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What is a11y anyway


A11y (the 11 can be pronounced both as eleven or one-one) is a numeronym of the word accessibility and is often used as an abbreviated form to refer to Web Accessibility.

We say that a website is accessible when people with disabilities can use it and access the information it contains. It is the equivalent of building a ramp for wheelchair users so they can enter a building.

Unfortunately, as it happens with physical ramps, intent is not enough to do it right. There are countless of epic fails where what was supposed to help disabled people only generates memes.

Far from being funny, these digital barriers that may not seem so obvious for those who don't suffer them, can impact negatively the lifes of those who need internet most.

This is why a11y doesn't focus only on creating accessible websites and content but also educating and advocating for the rights of disabled people to use and consume them.

After all, you don't need to be a developer or a designer to change how internet is experienced by others and it's important that we as a society understand how and why we should make changes towards a more inclusive online communities and services where everyone can feel welcome.